
Thanks for your support

The YALI Regional Leadership Center Southern Africa’s sustainable and long-term growth could not be possible without the support of its many partners.

The YALI Regional Leadership Center Southern Africa is committed to providing access and opportunity to ALL emerging leaders in the 14 Southern African countries of coverage, including those young leaders who would not otherwise be able to participate in the program for socioeconomic reasons. As such, the Center works with global, regional and local partners to allow an equitable and fair chance to all participants, and to invest in the resources and tools and for a meaningful and hopefully, life-changing training opportunity. In addition to our core partners, USAID, MasterCard Foundation, and the University of South Africa,

The YALI Regional Leadership Center Southern Africa is also supported by the following partners:

In addition to our core Donors, USAID, MasterCard Foundation, and University of South Africa, the YALI Regional Leadership Center Southern Africa is also supported by the following partners:

  • Dow Microsoft mElimu PG Cisco McKinsey & Company

We're grateful to our donors and partners who have made this programme possible.
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Please contact our Partnership and Alumni Manager Mr Harry Ntombela to find out how you can partner with the center at